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tv   Headline News  RT  July 7, 2013 11:00am-11:30am EDT

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breaking news this hour here on our t.v. five carriages of a passenger train have to rail in south russia reportedly leaving eighty people injured. whistleblower on the run and word snowden could be heading to latin america with leaders of three countries they're ready to grant him political asylum this after his latest leaks reveal that brazil and russia have been targeted by the west snooping program. it tipped is wrong to buy deadly clashes between backers and opponents of the ousted leader mohamed morsi as russia's president who is in warns against an escalation into all out civil war. also this week was no sign of a letup in the one time a bay hunger strike now in its six month prison guards are resorting to
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a new harsh techniques to end the standoff. this is r.t. coming to you live from the russian capital i'm marina joshing and our breaking news story now a passenger train has veered off the tracks in south russia reportedly injuring over eighty people let's get more on this now from our g.'s andrew farmer andrew the number of wounded has been rising so tell us a bit more about the accident well just to add to that figure out actually that you've got six of those people that were injured have now been taken to hospital we believe serious injuries this train was traveling from. the royals just south of which is in southern russia and about four hundred kilometers north of the for. on
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the destination of this train an ad the room rushes to we understand that seven of the train's nineteen carriages overturned when the train driver decided to perform an emergency stop and he since told officials he did this because he thought the train tracks in front of him right actually buckled there's been some speculation why this might have happened some say to be because of the heat wave that this part of russia has been experiencing over the last week with temperatures reaching an excessive thirty degrees for a number of days and some people have even speculated it might have been because parts of the track was stolen but that a pace to be because of this accident as you said the number of injuries is rising at the moment there are no fatalities russia's interior minister has ruled out any terrorist attack betty something but at the moment emergency services is still at the scene they haven't been long to type them over now it's to get there because the actual place where this accident happened these in quite a rural area but the latest at the moment over eighty people injured six of them
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have gone to hospital and we do believe a number of children have been injured to. iran or thanks very much for bringing us the very latest and i will of course be updating our viewers on what's happening there as we get more information for now that was andrew farmer and let's turn to some other stories that we're following for you today here in r.t. so three latin american countries have said they are ready to grant asylum to add words snowden the leaders of believing one as well and in colorado all are offering a helping hand to the man who exposed the u.s. government's global surveillance web washington's aggressive pursuit of the whistleblower has prompted those leaders to rally around the former n.s.a. contractor artisan he said now as more. i think snowden longer surprises them with a latin american twist a glimmer of hope after living in limbo for weeks then as well as nicaragua and bolivia after the n.s.a. leaker asylum after the european countries regenerated or is an official request
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for most of the week if snowden him sour we don't know where his future would be taking him then we certainly did and this really it was thought ecuador might be a possibility but president correia sentiment toward snowden shifted suddenly saying their help with initial transport document was a mistake then as well as my doro made his country stand clear this weekend saying snowden can come and live in the land of chavez quote away from the persecution of american imperialism but only after bolivia's ever morale us was detained and denied airspace over europe for some fourteen hours while his presidential plane was searched for snowden in an exclusive interview with our team around as he reacted to what bolivia. is huge and they think they can humiliate and subdue a spy blackmailing us and take their own terms like they did before making
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a change our policies there will make our own decisions and they can pressure us into doing what they want. latin america united with their condemnation social media rock did with claims the u.s. was behind the move and europe a puppet washington remains silent they have made a serious mistake because this is just one more example of the way things are going to be not only throughout latin america but throughout the world already where you have powerful hegemonic totally disrespectful towards the national sovereignty of all countries even their allies snowden's leaks help reveal how the u.s. was called more styled tapping their closest e.u. . partners even when you expose the truth even when you give this truth to the people who are being spied on they won't step up and support truth so yeah it is a bit frustrating to see these european nations just kind of ignore this outright
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spying that's happening to them while searching for snowden at all cost and he's the now r.t. moscow nicaraguan media have published what's said to be an official asylum request from snowden in a letter written last sunday the government hasn't confirmed whether this letter is a sending but also take a look at what it says so snowden apparently says that he fear is the u.s. prosecution after exposing his government's violations of the constitution and the u.n. treaties that was the lower doesn't thing you'll get a fair trial and will face life in prison or the death penalty if he returns home how brussels based political activist power for a says that washington is able to disregard international rules and its pursuit of snowden because of weak european leaders. these rules of international law have been told to be. shaken. by would say since one thousand nine hundred nine on.
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to a level that even among the western powers now there is a situation where someone is more equal than others and the possibility of a sovereign state to adopt a decision city guarding the side or protection of a certain individual are completely put aside as to favor the major interest of the center of the imperial system which is washington in this case the situation is not surprising it is affects europe has not been capable of emerging as a political agenda political power and therefore has to rely on the american leadership and capacity of intervention which improves in europe when necessary and europe can it just deny discard of support more spying revelations are coming out and this time brazil is in the spotlight snowden's leaks documents show that the country was a major target for u.s. intelligence russia china iran and pakistan are also highlighted as key data
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gathering targets all this after some land american ears lashed out of washington joining us some of them believe you are why accused washington of political terrorism while venezuela's leader is sad the united states actions show the extent of its control over european governments argentina's presidents have bowed the grounding of the believe in presidential plane on wednesday was a human rights violation committed by e.u. countries which usually promoted them meanwhile ecuador as leader rafael correa criticized washington for its colonial approach to latin america the leader of the host nation adam rouse also had plenty to say as are two spanish correspondent for ac as a god via now reports. braless said this all for it is a protest against the u.s. and some european nations in the speech has always been mostly empty american and now the u.s. is not unknown since friends portugal italy and spain closed their ers they used to
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believe u.s. presidential plane europe has become the way to be also mentioned that now is the time for not the american countries to impose their own politics of course he was referring to the u.s. now we have your new cd hero of the streets in the past these new onto european feeling people are on their minds are going back to colonial times now if you put together colonial memories and these that skyjack happy so it's the combination can be a bowl movement meaning it relations between the two memory care and use for european countries might be meeting a new start a new might not be that bright while if you're looking for the latest updates on a word snowden or mistake a development over the past few days we've got it all for you on our website so check out our timeline on r t dot com complete with fresh updates opinions and more . egypt slipped back into political deadlock this week mass celebrations after the country deposed its first democratically elected
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leader turned into deadly clashes between supporters and opponents of mohamed morsi a new interim government is slowly being formed but millions are fearful over what lies next for the country as policy here now reports. egypt's back in the headlines but for all the wrong reasons a week of street battles mass crowds a divided country on the brink of civil war this is the street where the worst violence in cairo happened even thirty five people killed more than a thousand injured the mood is extremely tense friends family and supporters shouting crying a lot of emotion and the country's bracing itself for more u.s. issued military combat boots stand guard the newly installed army is not taking any chances if no clear government to change as well the status quo in egypt is on the
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brink of disaster in terms of an upper egypt to an arts and internet a real policy and real change is on the one side the millions who rallied for the ouster of the muslim brotherhood president mohamed morsi they got what they wanted went on wednesday the army took over across the bridge those who want to reinstated both sides are talking war i want to say to the american states and to the wallet to the whole wallet to the west to europe be careful if you join that out of me there gyptian out of me or the head of the egyptian army to destroy the islamists that means that your turn in this country to up ways that will produce a lot of islamists i there's a strong feeling of deja vu after just a year in office the muslim brotherhood leaders have joined the predecessor imprisoned president hosni mubarak both now sit in the same jail. america's betting on a losing horse by selling out to the islamists where is the america that calls for freedom why have they allowed this to happen does freedom mean shutting down
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islamic t.v. channels does it mean shutting down used papers minima hair watches events unfold from his balcony this cup question lives in an apartment overlooking to his square he says it's now each option pitted against egypt this. something that completes the first evolution. the decision was incomplete but i have been. limited to retake control of the country for more than a year and then. using that democracy in a very bad way by giving. the country to the muslim brotherhood which. is the worst people to be told the country this is after months of the and i would like you to join me in a journey through time travel back in time travel to unravel discoveries discover evolution that made egypt and the element that made egypt revolution a flood city because one of the few taking advantage of the constant turmoil he
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offers foreign tourists of the revolutionary to a it includes a quick look at a few well that mostly through the cars window and now i'm so as spoken thanks to that evolution i used to stammer and stutter and flounder now you see my speech flows like a mighty stream momos like british people but most tourists are staying away while the country plummets unemployment's up and the egyptian pound is false losing its already weakened value as supporters on both sides brace for more confrontations many fear the situation will only go from bad to worse. kyra. while russia's president has warned out the situation in egypt could escalate into a much more severe conflict in syria has a question that syria is already engulfed in a civil war however sad it seems and egypt is moving in the same direction we wish the egyptian people can avoid this fate. well we caught up with
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a former head of the arab league who is now one of the top opposition figures in amr moussa told our teams beltre that democracy is not just down to the ballot box . the security forces the armed forces are trying to maintain law and order in the streets going forward in a solid way that would allow the country to be. to get back on track but moments after the ouster of mohamed morsy we had reports of hundreds of missing by that officials who were arrested the president himself was put under house arrest with no communication t.v. networks were shut down people are calling this a military coup how can you defend that everybody saw millions of people pouring into the streets so it was not a coup it was a popular uprising if not the revolution that is not enough to have the ballot box approving you and then you just sit and enjoy your life and let the people go down the drain i don't know how some people in. or
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from certain way of thinking believe that democracy is just the box of the ever got the majority over there has the right to do or not to do anything how can you include the muslim brotherhood and its political parties like the freedom and justice party in the political roadmap of egypt if their leaders of being arrested yes yes egypt is and in and unprecedented exceptional circumstances some precautionary measures would be taken but i hope at the end it is fergus and the rule of law that would prevail. then coming up for you and genetically modified diet for europe britain urges the e.u. to ease his restrictions on g.m. products despite concerns that consumers are being treated like guinea pigs.
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you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear sees some other part of it and realize that everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom harpur welcome to the big picture.
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welcome back you're watching our t.v. now the hunger strike again tunnel bay prison is now in its sixth month with no sign of a resolution guards of the u.s. military jail in cuba are resorting to new harsh tactics to force an end to the protests reportedly slamming cell doors up to three hundred times a night to keep for his nerves awake sleep deprivation is allegedly linked to the upcoming ramadan fast one force feeding will be conducted at night the detainee's lawyers warned that in view of the inmates we condition keeping them awake at night could be highly dangerous out of the one hundred six prisoners that are now refusing food forty five are being subjected to force feeding the u.s.
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government has to fan of the practice in the face of criticism from human rights groups are just going to she can investigate. the u. one calls for the us to stop force feeding guantanamo hunger strikers the practice is against international law and is seen by many as a form of torture and here is one first the guards strap a detainee down to a chair like this one then they put a mask over his face so that the detainee can't move bite or spit then the nurse snakes the feeding tube into nasal cavity the feeding tube which is roughly the size of a pens incorporates or this all this is not an actual feeding tube but it gives you an idea and this area is very rich in nerve endings and patients report extreme pain during the procedure when the nurse pushes the tube further down the throat creating a tightness that makes breathing difficult at that point patients typically feel pressure on their chest along some say it feels like they were drowning then the
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staff taped the troop to the detainees nose so that they can bite or swallow it and then two cans of nutritional substances are being funneled through the tube now we wrote to guantanamo and asked whether they use an anesthetic for this seemingly painful procedure here's the response typically not however it is available if the detainees request that most detainees prefer to use standard all of oral to lubricate the two us of us are trying to make it sound like it's not as bad but here is how one of the detainees a yemeni man somewhere in r.g. all house on the bell describes what force feeding actually feels like i will never forget the first time they passed a feeding tube up my nose i can't describe how painful it is to be force fed this way as it was thrust it made me feel like throwing up i wanted to vomit but i couldn't there was getting in my chest throat and stomach i had never experienced
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such pain before i would not wish this cruel punishment upon anyone we also asked the kuantan official how many detainees resist the procedure and how many give their consent to it and he won't. saying the majority of the detainees report compliantly and do not resist detainees are given a choice to eat a hot meal drink the liquid new trend or be and troll fed the detainee see the choice differently take a listen to. when they come to force me into the chair if i refuse to be tied up they call the team so i have no choice either i can exercise my right to protest my detention and be beaten up or i can submit to painful force feeding for most people these detainees are out of sight out of mind as sudden as it is they see physical suffering as the only way to draw the world's attention to their plight we can't hear their voices but here's what they write i'm doing this because i want to know my destiny i cannot abide not knowing anymore i just hope that because of the pain
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we are suffering the eyes of the world will once again look to guantanamo before it is too indefinite detention is the worst form of torture respect us or kill us it's your choice the u.s. must take off its mask and kill us the obama administration doesn't want inmates to die but neither is it in a rush to give the detainees their lives back in washington i'm going to check on. britain is pushing for a lift of the tide regulations on genetically modified food with the country's environment secretary saying g.m. farming is actually safe for the many of the alternatives but despite government ministers apparent enthusiasm for by attack parliament cafeterias have banned g.m. products from their man use g.m. products are usually associated with stable crops like corn and rice and what can
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find their way to many items ranging from me to milk and chocolate around ninety percent of all by attack seeds are owned by the us giant monsanto which is accused of stifling small businesses and driving some farmers to ruin and even suicide meanwhile the alarm is being raised over of the health implications of genetically doctored food ranging from simple way allergies to deadly immune system problems boyko investigates. it's controversial but britain's environment secretary says that the public should embrace genetically modified food is a hard sell the campaign is say it's dangerous to human health whereas the scientific community supports the technology and if it is a safe as they and the government are sure it is and the argument for g.m. food is quite compelling it would allow farmers to grow crops in tough conditions and thus help to feed hungry mouths around the world the u.s. and brazil already must have produces of the stuff and the british government says
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the u.k. shouldn't be getting left behind to talk more about this i'm joined by dr robert he's the founder for the alliance for natural health which campaigns against g.m. foods. there are a billion hungry mouths in the world and we're being told that this technology is safe shouldn't we embrace it in that case well if you look at all the real developments in raising eels it hasn't actually occurred through g.m. it's occurred through conventional breeding practices and we know that the european authorities have probably one of the most comprehensive evaluation systems compared with other parts of the world but only two crops have actually got through the net for cultivation over fifty have been approved for consumption but of course the majority of it is given to animals in the human what are the risks in this case how is it dangerous to human health there's been a lot of g.m. produced of course a large amount of it going to animals but the u.s. population has been eating a lot of g.m. corner a lot of g.m. soy and they say well we can't see the effect we believe looking at humans as
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guinea pigs is not a great way of doing it particularly given the fact that we're only looking at really one or two generations of exposure why is the government so keen to develop this technology in that case and who would be benefiting from it if they did there are about a half a dozen companies that are the key players in this areas of which monsanto is the biggest and they've been putting huge pressure on governments they're all doing that the biggest problem is concentrating the agricultural research. and particularly seed supply in the hands of a few companies and these companies have a lot of sway with the major governments in the world including the u.k. government many thanks for your comments was one environmental group said the british government's attempt to get g.m. food back on the menu is like flogging a dead horse and despite any of the scientific arguments for it one thing that you couldn't tell you with is that g.m. food just doesn't have a good reputation a survey last month showed that only twenty one percent of the u.k.
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population supports the technology. artsy london now take a look at some other stories from around the world to more people have been found dead after a train explosion in canada bringing the death toll to three sixteen more are still unaccounted for after the blast which devastated the town and about. the rana of the runaway train pulling seventy tankers of pepper callicles derailed and blew up completely leveling the town center environmental disaster zones with fear it is like crude oil is said to have spilled into a nearby river. irish police say at least fifty thousand protesters have marched in dublin against government plans to legalize abortions for women with life threatening pregnancies the bill was drafted after doctors refused to use the procedure on a woman having us kerridge she died one week later with court's ruling that the doctor's decision led to her death the irish constitution old lot abortion in
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ninety six with multiple governments refusing to review the article even for extreme medical emergencies. jordan has charged a radical muslim cleric abu qatada with terrorism after he was deported from the u.k. pleaded not guilty after being immediately handed over to prosecutors up on landing in amman on sunday britain fod a costly ten year legal battle to extradite him to his home country is known as a key figure in the link to what he is and was viewed by the u.k. as a national security threat. and back to our breaking news story now over seventy people are injured after five carriages of a passenger train derailed in southern russia medics say twelve have been rushed to hospital including one child but no fatalities have been reported so far the accident occurred at around five pm moscow time and across the region officials
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have ruled out terrorism as a possible cause and say it was probably due to technical failure the driver had to apply the emergency brakes after he saw the tracks were warped will be bringing you more on this as the information comes in. and coming out here in our team follows we follow the story of some young actors who didn't let blindness get in the way of their ambitions. as a person who lives in russia i get asked very often why i get a console for yet will are americans actually fat or is this just a myth from some hater countries the centers for disease control have declared obesity to be a disease that's
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a twenty point nine percent of adult americans are obese and that is an all time high people blame the sedentary lifestyle as the cause yes if you were out all day at work and then all evening after driving the home and sure doesn't help your waistline but problems could have multiple causes and the authors of the book rich food poor food believe it could be tied to eat foods that are allowed in america but our band and many other countries across the globe some of these chemicals and techniques and foods that are banned by some other countries are a less strong which is in many snack products which lower scale worries but kills your body's ability to absorb minerals brought me to flour which saves tons of time for the baker but. beats up your internal organs and of course our good old friend synthetic growth hormones which are in livestock which have been linked to cancer big problems really have simple solutions you can run around and exercise as much as you like but if you're being pumped full of these chemicals that are illegal in much of the world well your chances of fitting into that bathing suit are
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ironically slim but that's just my opinion. because the play is called two arrows. it's about a tribe that lives somewhere separately. or in a jungle. just like us they love and struggle for power for life.


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